Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Party!

Lynnette Kraft is hosting a Blog Party this week so that we bloggers can get to know one another better. Link over to her site and join the fun. Make some friends and answer some fun questions. The more, the merrier!


How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Fun... I think, at least. I think they would be right. I rarely do something without having as much fun as I can possibly muster up out of the situation.

What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life?
Oh, I hate to admit this one. It would probably have to be Matthew McConaughey. Yeah, he's cute, but that's not it. I love the accent. Just love it. My more "Sunday School Answer" would have to be Steven Curtis Chapman. I've always been a big fan of his music, but I've grown to realize that he's an amazing husband and dad as well, which is far more important. I'd love to meet him and his beautiful bride, Mary Beth.

Who is your favorite blogger? Why?
Ann Voskamp. Hands down. I love her blog, A Holy Experience. Each day, she helps me refocus my heart on the things of God, rather than on myself. She has an amazing way with words that just brings a smile to my face. She is real and honest in her journey.

What is your comfort food/drink?
Cow Dabs... or as you probably know them, No Bake Cookies. I grew up calling them Cow Dabs and, gross as it sounds, I always will. Love them. They make the worst of days better :)

Do you have a strong desire to do something you’ve never done? What is it?
I have a strong desire to do almost everything I've never done. I used to do new things EVERY chance I got, then I would say, "That's one less thing I've never done." I like to try it all :) I would LOVE to fly in a hot air balloon. That's kinda random, but there ya go.

Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? What are your favorite genres?
I'm a Romantic Comedy girl. I pretend that I'm not, but I am... shhhh, don't tell anyone. I do like a little Action and Drama as well though.

Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? What are your favorite types?
I like Contemporary Christian. That's what I mostly listen to, however, if I happen to be around the right people, my love of Country sneaks up on me :) I also like Classical when it comes time to quite the family down for rest time.

If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
I'd pay off all my debt... yeah, that's right, I have debt. Student loans up to my ears. I'd buy our house, instead of renting it. I'd install a mud-room-type of locker system much like these. I would donate a significant amount to the International Mission Board. I'd invest a lot of it... very strategically. I'd give to support many people who I know that want desperately to add to their family through adoption, but the financial part scares the daylights out of them. I'd probably do most of this through ShowHOPE.

Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
I'm a great starter, but I'm terrible with followthrough. I never finish anything. I have a ton of great ideas and plans, and I get them started, but get bored or distracted and move on to my next big idea.

If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
I'd head back to Mombasa, Kenya. I loved living there, not that it was perfect, but it's the place my heart most often longs to see again.

What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of?
Ha, ha, ha... don't laugh. I love, love, love, love walking into a tire store or a shoe store. I just LOVE the smell of those places. Yeah, I know... I'm weird.

When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less?
I used to be EXTREMELY social. In college, my freshman year, I won the "Social Butterfly" award. Now, not so much. My personality has changed a lot since I had a hysterectomy when I was 26 and went through instant menopause. I'm a much more quiet, reserved person that I used to be. So, that being said... I would say that I normally wish that I would have talked more.

If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?
Health food stores. Michaels. JoAnns. Archivers. Target... I like Target :) Oh, and IKEA... I'd go nuts at IKEA... and the Container Store. I guess I'd go shopping crazy if money weren't an option.

What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
I hate snakes. I mean, madly, passionately, with all my heart, hate snakes.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
My babies. We are in the process of adopting all five of our little ones from the Foster Care System. They give me the biggest headaches, and the biggest smiles :)

What are your favorite animals?
Wildabeast is my favorite animal to eat. Horses are my favorite to ride. Dogs are my favorites to cuddle up and sleep with.

Are you a hopeless romantic?
No, I'm in to romance and all, but I wouldn't say "hopeless"



  1. It's a pleasure to meet you!!

    If I go into debt because of The Container Store, it's all your fault!! lol I have never heard of it so I had to google it. *LOVE*

  2. What a great way to meet new bloggers....
    I am so thankful you found healing with your cancer, and are able to have 5 children join your lives. Soooo Amazing!
    I, too, LOVE Ann Voskamps Blog... soo inspiring!

  3. Loved you answers, love the your blog and your beautiful heart so evident in every word you write. It was so nice to meet you. I'll be sure to stop back again sometime. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Hello! I'm visiting from the fab blog party going on and wanted to say hello and it's a pleasure to "meet" you here on your lovely blog!

  5. Nice to "meet" your blog! We have a lot of things in common: can't have a family the "old fashioned way" {we have one adopted daughter who's now 18 - God definitely had other plans for the rest of our energies}; I love Ann Voskamp's writing, too!; I got to spend several days in Kenya on a mission trip 3 1/2 years ago...definitely left a part of my heart there; hate snakes {but sometimes dream that I am saving a whole group of people from them, weird}; love that you are foster parents and pray all goes well with your adoption!

    Hope you get to meet a lot of great new peeps at the party!


  6. Good luck with the adoption process. I love how you said they give you headaches but smiles. Sounds kind of like around here...

  7. Oh, I enjoy trying new things too. There is just not enough time to try it all.
    I have a good friend here in Bolivia with the IMB who would benefit from your giving there so I hope you get one million dollars. Also, my family was helped by Show Hope so also a big fan there!
    Much of what you wrote, I can relate to. Fun post.
    Amy @ Missional Mama

  8. I enjoyed getting to know you! I couldn't think of an answer for the star-struck, celebrity question, then I read your answer, and I realized YES! That's my answer! haha! Good luck in the adoption process, I'm sure it is not easy. Enjoy the rest of the blog party!

    <3, Bethany

  9. It's a joy to meet you! I hear you on the snakes, I can't stand them either. Your blog is so cheerful and I love the name and verse you chose. Blessings!

  10. I love Ann, too...and I love that you have five little ones in your home and a heart for adoption. I love how God has carried you and your family...and pray His continued blessings for you...

    I'm not much of a finisher, either...God's working on me there.

  11. Confession: I just saw Steve Curtis Chapman in an old episode of Doc - and I didn't know who he was. I mean, I know his name...but.... :)

    Blessings on your adoption journey!

  12. That was one of my favorite reads of the blog party. I loved your "Sunday School" answer. tee hee

    I love no bake cookies and have NEVER heard them called Cow Dabs! HA!!! (Globs, Blobs, etc. but never Cow Dabs!)

    I now know the other name for Water Buffalo (had to look it up! Thanks for the school lesson today. I'll share that with my kids today!)

    You can just tell people you have an Indiana Jones fear of snakes. My hubby does too and that makes him feel better about it.

    You were my first post to read this morning and you got me off to a great start!


    Have fun partyin'!
    And have a great day "Hopeless" :)
